Stage One of our competition is now over. The final few clubs are returning their cards and then the marking will begin. We intend to mark the cards the week after Bisley.
Note: Colbury members’ cards will be marked externally by the Secretary of the Southampton & District Rifle and Pistol Association.
Round Two stickers will be out before the end of August for completion before 31 October 2011.
Colbury has two finalists in the NSRA-Eley competition and we will be out in support on 14 August. You know our logo! Look out for us on Century Range or loitering around Jenny’s – mine’s a double bacon, bacon butty.
We also give VOLUBLE support during the prize-giving!
As we’ve had no reply to our three written representations to Eley for support for our Centenary Competition prizes of Eley Match, we shall talk to them on the day. Maybe we can elicit a response face-to-face. Whatever the outcome, the prizes stand. We’ve had tremendous support from the shooters in the target rifle community, so thank you.